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We aim for homework to always be purposeful and something which either consolidates or extends your child's learning in school. We will set homework weekly via your Google Classroom for your child's year group and would encourage all children to give it a go.

Children can access their Google Classroom using the login details they use in school to sign onto the school laptops or Chromebooks.

The homework expectations for all children at Holy Family are as follows:

Each week children will be set spellings to learn which will include words relevant to their current topic

KS1 will be set as an arithmetic or number bonds task for children to complete which will reinforce their learning

KS2 will be set timetables to learn which will be tested weekly

Children are encouraged to access Reading Eggs (KS1) or Reading Plus (KS2) at least 3 times a week

In addition to this, teachers can opt to set 1 additional task for children to complete

If you have any questions about your child's homework, please speak to the class teacher.