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W/B 27th November Year 4 and 5 engaged in a thought-provoking debate to rank the 10 commandments in order of importance, culminating in the creation of a diamond 10 that reflects their collective perspective on the significance of these guiding principles.
W/B 20th November Year 2 have amazed us with their stunning artwork depicting the Annunciation. Their creativity and talent shine through in the beautiful pieces they've crafted, showcasing their deep understanding of this significant event. |
W/B 13th November Year 3 had a special visit from a parent who shared insights into Jewish traditions, showcasing the customs and rituals of Shabbat. They had the opportunity to experience Challah bread and grape juice, symbolising elements of the Shabbat meal. |
W/B 6th November All classes have started their new RE topics: |
Autumn 2 |
W/B 30th October |
W/B 16th October Year 3 have been learning about how receiving the Sacrament of Baptism is how to become a member of the Christian Family. They re-enacted what happens at Baptism and shared photos from their own Baptisms. |
W/B 9th October Reception have been thinking about and describing how much God loves them. |
W/B 2nd October Year 1 having been talking about God’s wonderful creation. They created a piece of art reflecting their favourite part of God’s creation. This week (4th October) was the feast of St Francis of Assisi, Year 1’s class saint. |